Monthly Archives: August 2014

Love You Baba, In Souvenir of Masood Hasan Zaidi



When I first met you
In your lap I was
I felt like I had known you forever,
telling you everything
And what I didn’t
You knew it by my face

I bet you thought It’d never end,
Who would have even thought
You would leave me like that
When in my hands, your head was

Over a period of time,
I got to learn you
A person so caring and gentle,
With a heart so true

You’ve survived your life
Left us with hurt and loneliness
I told you I’d never leave
Because of the feelings I have inside

I know You
Like no one I have ever known,
And sometimes I wondered
I would be nothing without you

So I have decided
Not to leave you alone
Will come to you daily
No wall, no being can separate us

I love the way we were together,
You used to make me smile
With you I was, You
Now am not even me

Remember me always
and I will too
I always think of
Me and you

And you, Oh you
You are gone…
Though your love was deep
Though my love was deep

AskME app Review-The Baap of all Apps

AskME app Review-The Baap of all Apps is the next generation mobile app which serves as a one-stop solution destination that offers it’s users local search option, deals, online classifieds, buy now and voice features. provides a simple solution to the user by eliminating the need to switch between different platforms like JustDial, OLX, Snapdeal, Groupon and more. All these options are available on one place i.e. and it does not end here it can turn out to be a boon for users particularly on mobile as they don’t need to switch
back and forth.

Once you Download AskMe App, You can start you local search like never before within seconds even standing by roadside. It has become even easier to use this service from a mobile phone than from a desktop PC.

You can also review items on the the platform before making a final decision and that is something which completes your search from start to end on the

How to use this App? Go to the home screen of app,just type in what you are searching for and there you go.

The ease and convenience of the app gives you the power to search “on the go” in your local area. It does not matter what you may be looking for, you can find it all on So if you are on a road trip or away from your desktop, don’t just wait.

The mobile app is available for smartphone users as for Android and iOS

The Month of August and Baba

The Month of August and Baba

Life is uncertain, it happens when we are unaware that we will get birth on a land and then will be loved by people then they become an important part of our being.

I belong to a dignified man, Dr. MASOOD HASAN ZAIDI who was a senior govrnment servant; Consultant Anesthetist in Benazir Bhutto Hospital. Where he served the humanity by his profession he served the land of the brave as well, known as Pakistan as a devoted child of Pakistan by curing the injured and showed the devotedness of a true Pakistani; every year.

As August started, he required a badge to put on his shirt while going on duty to BBH Rawalpindi clipping it on shirt was an obligation, ‘phuljarri’ was his favourite and listening to national songs around the month and I being his daughter followed his steps along.

This year, it is all so different as he passed away to the eternal world suddenly by heartattack on 17 July 2014. This sad demise of my father left me in craving nothing in the month of August.

Today, as his memories flew by my side I remembered the August last year and the lightening near parliament house. No doubt he gave me beautiful memories and I am nothing without him. All the time he asked me to care about Pakistan, to make it prosperous but left me with his uncountable wishes for the nation.

My days and nights are differnt, I am without baba but being his daughter will fullfil his desires.


So I thought to put Pakistan’s flag for you because I love you.


Proud Pakistanis, we are 🙂